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Lesley Allan Creative Works

Lesley's Lessons

  • Writer's pictureLesley Allan

The forgotten race

Updated: Mar 7, 2018

Racism is something that has plagued our society, and the world, for as long as we can remember.

Truthfully, it will likely be an issue long into our future as hate seems to be second nature to our species.

When people talk about race there are frank discussions about what is considered racist and what isn’t, as well as who can and can’t be.

Personally, I believe everyone with hate in their heart can be racist, regardless of race or cultural background.

To me, racism comes in different forms, while many focus purely on the idea of systemic racism being the one and only.

Throughout the many discussions, I’ve had or heard, revolving around racism there is always one facet that goes forgotten, mixed races.

I myself am of mixed ancestry with my father being Anishinaabe (Ojibwe) and my mother being Caucasian, Newfie to be exact which is its own special Canadian culture.

Although I have some Indigenous features, many who are not familiar with the cultures of First Nations people, or haven’t had much contact with the different communities, do not see them because they are not stereotypical.

Due to this fact, I myself have not had a first-hand account dealing with racism, but now with the introduction of social media, I am beginning to feel pained at the lack of acceptance on both sides of my ancestry.

On one side I see Caucasians putting down Indigenous people, calling them lazy, alcoholics, and believing they should just give up the remainder of their culture and ancestral land.

While on the other side I hear phrases like half-blood, half-breed and other derogatory terms being used to devalue my connection to my Indigenous ancestry.

With all this talk about racism, we fail to address the pain people can feel when two sides of their being live in conflict, and their existence is only possible because of the horrifying atrocities that have happened in the past.

While we sit around talking about race, using our keyboards as weapons of hate, do we stop to think about the people who identify with both sides of their heritage, and at times think that they would rather not exist than to have had people live through the cruelty and pain that their ancestors were forced to.

I exist because of colonialism and it is truthfully a hard thing to wrap your mind around.

This pain is one that no single race can understand because it is one that only those of a mixed background come face to face with and often struggle through.

Today, people of mixed races make up a large percentage of the population, as racism slowly lowers and interracial couples become common ground.

Despite this, biracial people continue to be underrepresented in discussions revolving around racism as they often find themselves forced to take on one cultural identity over the other, made to be something they aren’t due to the non-acceptance of their existence.

Cultural identity is made up of your family’s heritage and for those who are biracial, this heritage is a colourful combination of rich cultures and pain.

Many find themselves with cultural insecurities, questioning themselves and their identity.

Who we are is a combination of facts from historical discretion, combined with a continued lack of acceptance or understanding.

It’s a cultural clashing that leaves us unsure of our identities, where we stand, or where we belong.

Ignorance on both sides make it hard to find a complete connection, and although one set of anger is understandable, there is a disconnection that leaves unanswered questions and a missed opportunity for inner peace.

It’s a pain that weighs heavily on the hearts and minds of those who find pieces of themselves on both sides of their family history, the good and the bad an unfortunate package that turns one part of themselves against the other, and tears their heart into a million little pieces.

When there is a gap—between your face and your race, between the baby and the mother, between your body and yourself—you are expected, everywhere you go, to explain the gap. Danzy Senna

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